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  英語(yǔ)(一)試題 課程代碼:00012

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  下面的短文后列出了10個(gè)句子,請(qǐng)根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容對(duì)每個(gè)句子作出判斷:如果該句提供的是正確信息,選擇 A; 如果該句提供的是錯(cuò)誤信息,選擇 B; 如果該句的 信息文中沒(méi)有提及,選擇 C。在答題紙相應(yīng)位置上將答案選項(xiàng)涂黑。

  A Priceless Lesson in Humility (謙卑)

  A few years ago,I took a sightseeing trip to Washington,D.C.Standing outside the Ronald Reagan Center,I heard a voice say,“Can you help me?”I turned around and saw an elderly blind woman with her hand extended.Without thinking,I reached into my pocket,

  pulled out all of my loose change and placed it in her hand.

  But the blind woman smiled and said,“I don't want your money.I just need help finding the post office.”In a moment,I realized what I had done.I had acted out of prejudice(偏見(jiàn)).

  I hated what I saw in myself.This incident reawakened (喚起)my basic belief.I

  believed in humility,eventhough I had failed to do so for a moment.

  The thing I had forgotten about myself was that I am an immigrant.I came to the U.S.at the age of 15.Over the years,I had been a dishwasher,cashier and mechanic,and eventually I

  became a network engineer.

  In my own life,I have experienced many open acts of prejudice.I remember a time, when I was a waiter,I heard a father tell his little boy that,if he did not do well in school,he would end up like me.So I know what it is like.

  But now,living in my American middle-class lifestyle,I find it all too easy to forget my past,to forget who I am and where I have been.That blind woman cured me of my “blindness.”She reminded me of my belief in humility and to always keep my eyes and heart open.

  1.I went to Washington D.C.on business.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given

  2.I put some money in the hand of the blind woman.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given 3.The blind woman wanted to buy some stamps at the post office.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given

  4.The blind woman was angry when she got the money.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given 5.Humility was not my basic belief.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given

  6.I moved to the U.S.when I was a teenager.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given

  7.I once earned my living by washing dishes.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given

  8.I studied engineering at Washington University.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given 9.The father looked down upon waiters.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given

  10.I now live a middle-class life in New York.

  A.True B.False C.Not Given


  閱讀下面短文,請(qǐng)從短文后所給各題的4個(gè)選項(xiàng) (A、B、C、D)選項(xiàng),并在答題紙相應(yīng)位置上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。

  Montana Magica is located at the foot of the Andes(安第斯山).It is one of the most interesting places in the world.Totally made out of wood and stone,this hotel looks like a building in a fairy tale.It has thirteen small rooms on five floors.Every room is decorated in a natural style.What's more,the only link to the hotel is a rope bridge,so tourists have to enter it on foot.Prices at Montana Mágica range from f150 to f260 per night.It is really cheap compared with the neighboring hotels.They cost as much as f1,200 a night.

  After having a good rest at Montana Mágica,you can start the tour.Walking into the rain forest gives you the chances to take a look at different animals in the Andes,for instance,the alpaca(羊駝)and deer.If you are lucky enough,you may even meet the lovely Pudu deer.It is the world's smallest deer,just 13 inches tall.And they only live in the natural protection areas.

  There are some other activities you may enjoy as part of your tour.You can go horse riding to admire the beautiful scenes in the mountain;you may try a mini-golf,where the holes are made out of the natural land of the mountain.If you are brave enough,you should try the longest zip wire(索道)in South America.It runs through the rocky mountain at a height of 1,500 feet

  11.What do we learn about Montana Mágica?

  A.It is a mountain village.

  B.It costs a lot to build it.

  C.It has a natural decoration.

  D.It is mentioned in fairy tales.

  12.Tourists have to get to the hotel on foot because

  A.the woods around the hotel are too thick

  B.the road to the hotel is too rocky for cars

  C.the only access to the hotel is a rope bridge

  D.the natural scene would otherwise be affected

  13.Walking into the rain forest,you may see

  A.the world's largest alpaca

  B.the world's smallest deer

  C.other hotels linked to Montana Mágica

  D.many other tourists

  14.Brave tourists are recommended to try

  A.horse riding in the mountain

  B.mini-golfing in the rain forest

  C.animal observing on the top of the Andes

  D.the zip wire running through the mountain

  15.What is the best title for the text?

  A.Montana Mágica Hotel B.A Tour to the Andes

  C.Animal Protection D.Outdoor Activities



  Girls and Science

  ① As economy goes global,math and science are bigger than ever.These fields are where girls have been traditionally under-represented.The more represented the girls are in science and math,the greater opportunities they have.Making your daughter interested in science

  may sound challenging.However,it could be very simple.

 ?、?The first thing to do is to keep high expectations for your daughter.Children have a natural sense of curiosity(好奇心).They are born explorers.So you need to encourage your daughter to take note of her surroundings,and to consider things such as how bridges are built

  and what makes plants grow.

 ?、?Another thing that needs to be done is to find a good teacher.A positive role model will inspire your daughter.So you need to introduce her to a family friend or community member

  who can show her around a chemical lab or architecture(建筑)firm.

 ?、?You should also involve your daughter in activities with other children.She can design a

  birthday party with a scientific theme.She can go to a science museum with her friends.She can work on a construction project with her classmates.In this way your daughter will always have fun.

  6 Science talents are likely to give your daughter help in the job market.And the importance of scientific search goes far deeper than that.While exploring the scientific world,your daughter is engaging her creative and problem-solving abilities.This may give her valuable experience to study everything in the world.



  The Big Guy and the Little Guy

  I have lived in Peru for nine years now.Many memories flood my mind as I think about all the experiences we have had here._ 26 The big guy is my dog Falcor,an Old English Sheepdog.He has been my constant companion on my walks around our neighborhood.

  Falcor looks like a big dog.27 When he has a bath,you see a much smaller dog.

  More important for me is that my dog has served as a point of contact for me and my neighbors.Since I have to walk my dog at least twice a day,many people see me out there

  and say hello. 28 He loves the attention.

  The little guy is my grandson,Bastian.He is four years old and lives with us.He has

  made me aware once again of the world of children and parenting.-29 We have the

  same topics for conversation in our house.Thanks to Bastian,I am also part of the kid crowd.

  We want Bastian to love animals and treat them with respect.We have worked with him on how to treat Falcor with love._30 Sometimes I hear children walking by say “that's Bastian's dog.”Once in a while,Bastian and I take Falcor for a walk together.Then,it is

  wonderful to see the two run and play with the energy I wish I had.

  A.But in reality,he is mostly hair.

  B.Often,they come up to pat Falcor.

  C.I'm definitely part of the dog crowd.

  D.In fact,he now regards Falcor as “his dog.”

  E.I know his friends and some of their parents.

  F.But those of the big guy and the little guy stick out most.



  Business in My Future

  When I was in high school,I already knew that business was my future job.At sixteen, I 31 _in the toy department of a big supermarket.I earmed a 10%commission(傭金) on 32 _I sold in addition to my salary.That was all the motivation I needed!I always made special efforts to help customers.I - 33 that if I worked hard, I would 34 succeed.I did.Even though I was still in high school,I earned . 35 in commission than others.I also learned the 36 of making the best use of my time.I

  saw that the most 37 salespeople made use of 38 minute.I did the same,and my

  boss praised me.My job at the toy department showed that I have the .39 _and desire to

  work in business.That is why I 40 to go to business school.
















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  The Vitamin Myth

  People believe that taking (take)vitamins is good for their health.However,an article in

  a recent TIME magazine suggests that this 41 (believe)might be wrong.For some

  people,vitamins may not be good.

  People think that vitamins A,B and C help fight various _ 42 (disease) .But it

  is 43 (find) that taking these vitamins can have negative health effects.Some people

  increased their risk of 44 (die)by up to 16%.Also,people think that taking vitamin C will prevent colds.However,research 45 (show)that taking it daily does not affect

  common colds.

  People can 46 (easy)buy vitamins.So they may think that vitamins are natural and _ 47 (harm) .But people should be 48 (care)if they take other medicines. Making healthy choices is difficult when so many 49 (website) advertise the benefit of vitamins.But remember that eating a 50 (balance )diet can provide you with all of the

  vitamins you need.


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